Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Quick Interlude Regarding SPAM Blogs...

For some reason, I've been flagged as a SPAM blog in the last couple of days. I'm not sure if this was merely the failure of an automated security function, or what the situation is, but the emails I got suggested that I wouldn't be able to publish for a few days while they sorted it all out.

Clearly, this isn't a SPAM blog, and I hope we're quickly back on track. If this post goes through, then I'll get to work on our next post...


Unknown said...

Well, apparently I can publish again, but my adsense ads are missing. Fair enough. I'll get to work on the newest post.

Aunt Jan said...

While I have to say go Chris. You are correct in the need to get the young informed and out at the polls. I know that when you get something on your mind you put your heart and soul into so GO CHRIS. Join the revolution and lets take this country back where it belongs in the hands of THE PEOPLE.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jan. :) Who knows what the outcome will be, but I hope it makes a difference.

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